
Family Connection – Wed Sept 14th

Sep 18, 2022 Topic: Family Worship Scripture: 2 Kings 6:8-23

Use the following thoughts and questions to have a spiritual conversation as a family. Don’t emphasize having the right answer, but focus on spending time discussing the Word as a family.

2 Kings 6:8-23

Session Summary
God revealed the plans of the Syrian king directly to Elisha, which helped Israel avoid defeat. When the king found out that Elisha was protecting the people of God, he sent an army to capture Elisha. By the power of God, the army was blinded as they approached Elisha and his life was spared. Elisha used this opportunity not to kill and destroy, but to show God’s mercy and grace to his enemies. Even though the plans of the Syrian king were stopped and the mercy and grace of God was extended, the king hardened his heart and refused to humble himself before God.

Conversation Questions
• Why is it hard to trust God when our family experiences difficult or unfortunate circumstances?
• How has our family seen God work and show up around us despite difficult circumstances?
• What does it look like for our family to trust God right now?
• Who can our family be praying for that God would open their eyes to the truth about Jesus?

Family Challenge
God is always trustworthy, but sometimes our human minds quickly forget. Because of God’s grace, He gives us reminders every day of why we can trust Him with all things, both good and bad. During the meal times your family share together this week, talk about how you trusted God with something during your day and how He came through. If He hasn’t come through yet, use it as a time to encourage each other to be reminded of His past faithfulness and to trust Him no matter what.